Ideal Quantum Gases

Stardustor Lv2


Quantum states: wave function N particles: Identical particles

e.g. 2 particles:

Define : exchange particles 1 & 2: So:

Non-interating system


Essential information: single particle state

So accumpation number of single particle state: Fork basis



e.g. Free particles Partition function: Grand partition function: boson: fermion: N: So: In the limit: Classical Maxwell-Boltzman distribution:

Ideal boson gas

Ideal boson gas

Non-relative free particles: (dispersion relation) Wavefunction: Periodic boundary condition: , So Prescription: In d-dim: 1. N Define dimensionaless quantity: Define Poly logarithm: So: 1. E 1. lnQ So:

Non-degenerate limit:

Replace z with n: - order : - order : So: >[!caution] >Bose statistics, no interaction!

Classical limit:

The degenerate Bose gas:


Bose-Einstein condensation

, and increase for . So When temperature is low, , so it's impossible to keep N fixed. Hit : when : When , , can not accumulate all particles. Consider the : So a huge number (Macroscope large) of particles populate the lowest energy state. in which means number of paricles at ground state.

[!abstract] Bose-Einstein Condensation Macroscope number of particles condense into a single quantum state.

Consequece: , isn't calculate. So finite : When , , so: Thermodynamic limit:

Thermodynamic property


When , :

Define , According to Clausius-Clapeyron Equation: ##### Energy & Capacity When : When : And

Experiment observation of B.E.C: superfluidity in

Differences between B.E.C. and Superfluidity Helium 1. Helium is liquid, imcompressible. 2. 3. Heat capacity

Black-body Rediation

Black body: perfect absorber of light. Rediation: EM fields at finite T in thermal equilbrium.

Quamtized EM field: harmonic oscillator

in which is wave vector, and is polarization. There are 2 descriptions: 1. a collection of harmonic oscillator, with energies 2. a gas of photons, of energies photons number isn't conserved: According to Boson-Einstein distribution:

Photon despersion

Energy flux

Rate of energy flow per unit area: Stofan-Boltzman Law

Plank distibution

Wein displacement Law: 1. (high frequency): Wein 1896 2. (classical limit): Rayleigh-Jeans So number of modes in : Average numbers of photons:

Heat capacity of solid

Solid: atom form a periodic lattice, viberating around its potential minimum. Kinetic energy: Potential: Equipartition: Quantized:

Einstein model

Debye model

In fact, there are "cheaper" excitations:

Quantized sound wave: phonon

Ideal phonon gas: : density of state And need a cutoff: 1. (low temperature): 2. (high temperature): >[!note] >

Ideal Fermi gas

And in 3D space So in which is the spin degeneracy. Define :

Non-degenerate limit:

Expand in power series of : Equation of state:

The degenerate Fermi gas

For boson, .

For fermions, no such restriction.

Fermions successively occupy each energy level until . So is the last filled energy level : is step function. So : Fermi wavevector. Fermi surface

In general, fermi surface are not spherical, non-isotropic So >[!note] > at : degeneracy pressure

Another way We can use the density of states to calculate the : can be seen in [[Density of states]] consider the spins.

  1. differs significantly from only within a window . Only particles near Fermi surface can be thermally excited.
  2. Sommerfeld expension: First order correction:

Electrons in a magnetic field: Pauli paramagnelism

Electron spin

Electron spin, or, magnetic moment couples to external :

in which is Bohr magetism.


The area means the number of particles N magnetization:


1. :paramagnetism 2. : saturates to a finite value. 3. Hign temperature: Curie's Law 4. ### Landan diamagnetism orbited motion couples to : In classical physics, we can define . No magnetism in classical physics. Bohr-Van Leeuwen Theorem

QM: : cyclotron frequency